Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Feed Blog 9

1.No, I don't think that all of the character are content with their lifestyle because on page 89 it talk about how Violet answer the question if she was going to the mall and she say it was okay maybe she doesn't like how things are going and it really make it boring to her .
2 The things that is are consider appropiate was holding hand at the store on page 108. The inappropriate behavoir was that Violet was showing off her lesion on page 96 and smiled while putting her finger inside his collar shirt
3. Everybody is following the rules but violet because she got it after all of the characters did and i guess you were suppose to get them when you were born so it wont affect on you and that it will give you better understanding while you are growing up with it already, instead of waiting.
4. On pg107 They are home schooled in their feed.How the feed are being use in their head how they tell it was easy to use and all they do is use their feed to get any info or do their shopping in their head.

The Feed Blog 7

Feed is something that have to deal with the lesions that the characters have on their body. Also it's like how they have this thing in their brain and that it work as like the internet is in their head and it seem to control it in their head. It seem like they sort of take over the characters in some ways but then sometime its hard for them to take control of it because of riot and that it just keep on spaming into their head. Well we use our technology on the computers and cell phones, instead of having some kind of system or lesion, feed thingy into our head. What is different is that they can just explore right out of their head but we use it on our cell or computer.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Feed blog 8

pg. 151-152
So it seem like Violet is having a bad dream and that it seem like it might trying to tell her some, but then it seem like she was in these places and that it had a big riot with people wear khakis jeans or t-shirts. There was a polices riding on a horse trying to stop the big or hold the riot back somehow, then a man go off and firing started. She goes to this place that just keep on going darker and darker till she had seem a devil in people brains and it seem to be taking control of them. The area just get worst because of how dark it get and not just that it look really bad and the animal seem to have some problem wit standing cause of their back leg was broken and then she seen them in werid places doing thing that shouldn't been done. Till she seen a little boy and got hit in the face.

Well it just seem how they really get into your head and how it function into your head and you might never know what kind of things will be popping up or giving you all these spam. Using the advanced technology is a good thing but if it was to be in our head that would be really crazy and that we will never know who might be a hackers and then got to be just the characters, so it better to use technology on the computer or cell phone.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Feed chap.1

What I think the first chapter is about is that it started off that they are on Spring Break and that it seem like they are out in the moon where mostly everyone is at and that they seem to be all teenagers because they are on Spring Break.  Another thing is that these character are teens because they have a hotel and are ready to party. Also that this guy was talking about how long he have been lonely and that he wanted a girlfriend.  They seem to be chatting to each other cause of the way that they talk to each other and that they are using their brain to chat with each other.  All the people was mostly at the hotel and that they were split and that they were all on break to go and parties and have fun.

Monday, October 12, 2009

It says, "Long live Germany" poster # 2

This poster is about how the Germany want to live long because they are all waving their flag and that it want other people to know that they are ready to go into war and get it over with so they can live in peace. I think that it's showing all they people or that they are in the war is trying to send a message out their for people who are willing to go and attack Germany. As long they are going into the war or whoever that they going to go attack with might just lose to them. I think this would be flag waving because of how the picture is and that it seem to be patrioct. What it's trying to point out is that how they are ready to go against whoever is willing but then they know that they will live long cause they are Germany. It seem not to be showing who they are talking too and that they want other people who gonna go to the war to watch out for them.

Analysis famous African American boxer # 1

This poster seem to be a guy who is in the military and that is a boxer is trying their best to go after whoever that they are going to attack with.  They want to do the best they can so the can win and that they say their on "God side". Also it seem like whoever they going to get into it or what not they are going to do the best they can to win and with God on their side they think they really have that support to win and not to lose to anyone.  This poster think seem to be quotes of context or either half-truth because in the poster it say they they going to do their part and win because they know that God is on their side to help them out and support them all he can.  It's half-truth because it's just showing one side that they going to win but then who are they going after for or that they don't know what if they might lose?  How is he a boxer if he hold like a gun knife thing, it seem to be more like he in the military or about to get ready to go to war.  How it seem to be explicit is that it look like it already have some to do and that they going to take care of it cause they know they have someone on their side trying to support it. How it is implicit is that it seem like they think and know that God really on their side but then if they lose what are they going to do next, and that how can they think that they going to win if they don't know if the people who they going against is going to defeat them?  This seem to catch people attention because of the quote that it has on the poster and mostly a lot of people believe in God and is willing to know that they going to win because God is on their side.  This seem like it was out in the 1950's or 1970's because it seem to look that old and that time cause of the quote that is on their and how it say famous African American boxer.

Friday, September 25, 2009


It seem that it's trying to get people who eat meat to not eat it because it they want you to eat more veggies also that it seem to use famous peoples. They trying to say how veggie are better then from eating meat. It doesn't seem to show why eating meat is bad and they should at least try to contrast both things. It seem to catch like people in their 20's, because they want other to eat veggie instead of meat because it give you more energy and strength. My emotion was like what is this? It kind of surprise me to see that they get famous people doing video to introduce eating veggie then meat. Well their was kind of but not too much because it seem like it was just want to catch people who eat meat often to try to eat more veggie more then meat. Plus it seem like they want people who is overweight probally to eat and learn what they can get out of it.

Army Family

What I thought was  going on was that they was trying to put their family all back together because it seem like the people in the army was gone for awhile.  It seem to not be telling that how the people in the family going through and how they did in the army.  It seem to catch young teens or wife's husband because it show, how their is a wife and kids.  Also the wife said "as wife we are proud with pride."  My emotion was that it was sad at first until they all have hugged and that they were all back as one family, when the army all got back together.  The way it seem to be showing the video in the firs part then till it got to a new part it seem like everyone was getting happy that the family got to see each other.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

3 interesting things!

The 3 interesting things is the one about how people had show and present their video or commerical. I thought it was cool to see different type of social that people was doing in their groups.  Another thing is that I think that most people was doing their on sexuality or like to show people how their is only this kind of people on this show and what not.  Some groups seem to have got some really good information on what the video they had found about it.  Most of the groups seem to have really good details and that it try to catch your attention and that make you want to dress like that or not.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Saturday Media use!

I notice that since I was out on Saturday that I seem to be using my phone a little bit too much.  Also that I seem to be using the cellphone because it was a busy day. 

Media Time!

What I have notice is that I seem to use my cellphone more then anything.  Also that I seem to use internet and ipod sometime when I don't feel like using my phone.  It's kind of crazy to know that I use cellphone, internet, and ipod more then other kind of media because I just don't seem to watch t.v at all or listen to the radio or play video games.

Friday, September 11, 2009

What I notice of my media

Another thing What I learned is that I just seem to be on it all the time and just don't seem to get off. I didn't know I was using so much media in one day and not just that but it seem like I just need my media to keep me company most of the time. 

my use of media!

What I notice is that I be on my cellphone and ipod a lot because I can chat;myspace text talk on the phone or, get on facebook too.  Always that I know I'm always on them 24/7 and that I just never get off and always trying to pay attention to those media.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

thinking hard

What I have learned about the is that how people use media. many people would use different kind of media. When people are using media they mostly get different kind of media then from other people does. While watching the clips it seem like it wanted to get people attention and that it seem like people just be getting different meaning from the clips, like the one with the MC.Donald it was about running and working out. What I learned about it is that it seem to be showing how to go and get a chicken sandwich that well help you throughout the workout.  Mostly people see things on the clips and just want to look or do the things, so they go out and try it out. What surprise me is that how it seem to be getting people attention and that it just want you either to buy  it somehow. What I think is that people don't have the same media like others and either just want to try it or just don't really care about it all. Mostly is what I did was that I just went have to think critically. What I think is new was that people mostly want get a new kind of media of what they might see and that they would like. I think that it also seem like how people would have there own perpective and that they get different kind of view from others does.